Sunday, September 6, 2009

Is lowering LDL cholesterol enough?

Unfortunately, the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis are more complicated than just lowering LDL cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol reduction is only half of the battle against atherosclerosis. Individuals who have normal or only mildly elevated LDL cholesterol levels can still develop atherosclerosis and heart attacks even in the absence of other risk factors such as cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, and diabetes mellitus. Additionally, successfully lowering elevated LDL cholesterol levels cannot always prevent atherosclerosis and heart attacks. In many clinical trials to lower LDL cholesterol, there were patients who adhered to their assigned diets, faithfully took their cholesterol-lowering medications, and successfully lowered their LDL cholesterol to target levels, yet still suffered progressive atherosclerosis and heart attacks. It is clear that while lowering LDL cholesterol below NCEP target levels is an important step, there are other factors involved.

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